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Child Neurology Educational Activities

The child neurology residency program offers broad and diverse educational activities, including:


During the PGY 4 and 5 years, residents participate in a wide variety of both general Pediatrics and Adult Neurology didactic and educational learning activities. 

Weekly, hour-long didactic sessions cover a wide range of child neurology clinical topics with an eye towards high yield board-specific content.  Most lectures are led by child neurology faculty with some lectures covered by faculty from other applicable subspecialties. Lectures are designed to foster a collaborative learning environment for both trainees and faculty.  Topics operate on a rolling “two year schedule” so that the didactics are all covered in any trainees final two years. 

Journal Club

A traditional monthly journal club is held. The meeting is led by both residents and faculty members. Residents will review a selected, high-impact journal on a child neurology topic. The resident will first review the article and then present a short up-to-date review of the topic covered. The resident will also critique the manuscript based on evidence-based medicine and scientific method principles. A faculty member will be assigned to provide additional insight and feedback during the meeting.

Pediatric neurooncology conference

Weekly conferences are held with the Neurosurgery, Neurooncology, Neuroradiology, and Neuropathology teams to discuss the upcoming patients. The conferences offers extensive education in treatment of the patients being discussed, particularly those with Neurooncological issues. 

Genetic conference

Weekly conferences are held with the Genetics team to discuss any patients that need collaborative care between Child Neurology and Genetics.  This can range from the genetics of epilepsy to a new muscle disease presentation.  The conference offers extensive education in treatment of the patients being discussed, and is a wonderful opportunity for trainees to present their patient’s phenotype and collaborate on the next best step in the workup.

Epilepsy Conference

A monthly meeting to focus on the past month of monitoring unit patients, as well as discuss refractory epilepsy patients and surgical patients, this conference has a broad spectrum of participation, with Pediatric Neurosurgery, Neuropsychology, Neuroradiology and both Adult and Pediatric Epilepsy physicians in attendance.